Edit Lines and Areas

The shape of a line or area can be changed by moving the points that define its outline.



To choose a different object, click it on the work area or the FilmStrip. Alternatively, use the left and right arrow keys to step through the objects in the order they are used in the design. When selecting an object directly on the work area, click near one of the points that define it.

If the visible colors or the object filters are changed, the last visible object is automatically selected. Therefore, change the view of the design before selecting the object you wish to edit. See Viewing Pictures and Designs.

When the desired line or area is selected, its points can be moved. The points are shown as small circles or squares. Some stitch object types, such as Single Stitches have a fixed number of points.


Square points are used for straight sections and corners. Round points are used for curves.

Other objects, such as fill areas, running stitch and satin lines, can have any number of points, and points may be inserted and deleted, allowing greater control over their shapes. The start and end points for fill and satin areas can be changed, typically to reduce the need for trimming. Satin areas have angle lines that are used to control the satin angle.



Fill areas have as many points as needed to define their outlines, and also have moveable start, end and origin markers

Satin areas have movable start and end markers and adjustable stitch angle lines

Color change and stop commands, and alignment stitches are shown as a single point when selected.

Move Points

Edit Points

Make Lines Straight or Curved

Move the Start and End Points for Areas

Move the Origin for Areas

Change the Stitch Angle for Satin Areas

Insert Points

Delete Points

Convert Points and Bezier Lines

Convert Points to Corner

Convert Points to Smooth

Convert Points to Symmetric

Convert to Point Line

Convert to Bezier Line


Delete Hole

Delete Emboss Line

Delete MultiWave Line

Break Apart

Select Objects

Change Object Settings


Insert Commands

Change Objects’ Sequence

Reverse Functions

Select a Block of Objects

Multiple Select and Groups

Modify a Block of Objects

Modify Block

Cut, Copy and Paste Objects


Insert Embroidery

Insert Lettering

Insert SuperDesign

Notes and Settings

Undo and Redo

Fill and Satin Patterns