Change Object Settings

How to Change Settings for a Single Object

  1. Select the object in the work area or FilmStrip.

  2. Right-click the object. The Area and Line properties dialog for the object is displayed.

  3. In the Area and Line properties dialog make the desired changes.

Change Multiple Objects’ Settings

  1. Open the Design window.

  2. To make it easier to select the desired object, use the color worksheet, or the Hide Object Types buttons and slider bars in the Edit tab to hide other objects.

  3. To select an object directly on the work area, click on the desired object, or click an adjacent object then use the left and right arrow keys to step through to the required object (for example, to select a color change).

  4. To select an object with the FilmStrip, scroll through the FilmStrip and select the desired object, or click any object and use the up and down arrow keys to step through the FilmStrip.

  5. To change the properties of the selected object, right-click on the work area, or right-click on the FilmStrip and select Properties. The properties dialog box for the object type will appear.

  6. To change the properties of all visible objects of the selected type, right-click on the FilmStrip and select Global Properties. (Alternatively, choose Select Similar from Visible, then Properties from the FilmStrip context menu.) The properties dialog box for the object type will appear.

  7. To change the properties of selected objects, hold the Ctrl key and click the desired objects in the FilmStrip. Right-click one of the selected objects and select Properties. The properties dialog box for the object type will appear.

  8. To change properties of objects in only one group, choose select Similar from Group, then Properties from the FilmStrip context menu.

  9. To change the stitch type for the selected object, choose the desired object type from the line or fill drop-down list in the Fill Area and Line dialog box. The properties for the new object type will appear.

  10. Change the settings in the properties dialog box then click OK to apply the new settings. Click Cancel if you decide not to save the new settings.

  11. When you click OK for changing Global Properties or the properties for a number of selected objects, all the settings in the dialog box will be applied to all visible or selected objects of that type.

  12. Repeat as desired with other objects, then click Life View or Design Player to see the design as it will be stitched.

Select Objects


Insert Commands

Change Objects’ Sequence

Edit Lines and Areas

Reverse Functions

Select a Block of Objects

Multiple Select and Groups

Modify a Block of Objects

Modify Block

Cut, Copy and Paste Objects


Insert Embroidery

Insert Lettering

Insert SuperDesign

Notes and Settings

Undo and Redo

Fill and Satin Patterns