Cut, Copy and Paste Objects

Once objects have been selected with Box Select, Point Select, Freehand Select or Select All Visible, they can be cut and copied. Only objects that are completely enclosed by the selection line will be selected. The selection of objects on the clipboard can be pasted as many times as desired in the Design window, or into a separate mySewnet™ Digitizing window.

Cut a Block of Objects


Paste a Block of Objects

Paste Into Center

Paste and Replace

Paste Into New Window

Clipboard Block

Select Objects

Change Object Settings


Insert Commands

Change Objects’ Sequence

Edit Lines and Areas

Reverse Functions

Select a Block of Objects

Multiple Select and Groups

Modify a Block of Objects

Modify Block


Insert Embroidery

Insert Lettering

Insert SuperDesign

Notes and Settings

Undo and Redo

Fill and Satin Patterns