Insert Commands

Use the FilmStrip to insert a new Color Change or Stop immediately after the selected object. Right-click in the film strip, then select the desired option from the context menu that appears.

Insert Color Command

Use Insert a Color Change Add_Color_Change_icon02873.jpg to insert a color change after the currently selected object. The Color Selection dialog box appears so you can choose the new color.

See Color Selection.

Insert Stop Command

Use Insert a Stop Stop_icon02875.jpg to insert a Stop command after the currently selected object.

A Stop will not be inserted if this would place two Stops together.

Select Objects

Change Object Settings


Change Objects’ Sequence

Edit Lines and Areas

Reverse Functions

Select a Block of Objects

Multiple Select and Groups

Modify a Block of Objects

Modify Block

Cut, Copy and Paste Objects


Insert Embroidery

Insert Lettering

Insert SuperDesign

Notes and Settings

Undo and Redo

Fill and Satin Patterns