Color Block Select

Use Color Block Select


 to select a block of stitches by thread color. Click the icon, then click a visible color on the embroidery. The block will be selected according to the visible stitches of the color you clicked. Click outside the block to make a new selection using this method. Right-click to deselect.

Multiple color blocks using the same thread color are not selected. If you require this then either change the color order and merge the required color blocks (see Move and Merge Colors in the Worksheet), or perform a ColorSort which will combine identical thread colors into single color blocks where possible (see ColorSort).

The block can be moved, scaled and/or resized, mirrored horizontally and vertically and rotated to any degree. The block can be copied or cut to the clipboard and then pasted to the same or another embroidery. The block can also be deleted.

If the wrong area is selected, click in the active window, but outside the box, to deselect.


Select Stitches

Block Select Functions

Box Select

Freehand Select

Point Select

Select All Visible

Select None

Replace Selection

Add To Selection

Remove From Selection

Move Block

Resize Block and Scale Block

Rotate Block

Modify Block

Flip or Skew Block

Center in Hoop

Reverse Order