Flip or Skew Block

Mirror a block of stitches vertically or horizontally using the flip handles on the block selection box.



If long stitches go across the block after it is mirrored, use Reverse Order to prevent this. Alternatively, reselect the block and try again.

Horizontally Flip Block

Click the Flip Horizontal handle to mirror a block horizontally.

Vertically Flip Block

Click the Flip Vertical handle to mirror a block vertically.

Skew a Block

Skew a block vertically or horizontally using the trapezoidal Skew handles Trapezoidal_Handle00850.jpg in the bottom right corner of the block selection box.

Skew will change the density of stitching. It is recommended to use Stitch Optimizer Design_Optimizer_icon00852.jpg in the Modify tab afterwards.

Select Stitches

Block Select Functions

Box Select

Color Block Select

Freehand Select

Point Select

Select All Visible

Select None

Replace Selection

Add To Selection

Remove From Selection

Move Block

Resize Block and Scale Block

Rotate Block

Modify Block

Center in Hoop

Reverse Order