Select All Visible

Select All Visible Make_Block_fr_Vis_icon_cp00758.jpg is a one-click function that selects all visible stitches in the current embroidery. Click outside the block to deselect.

Use the color worksheet and the Draw Range to select which stitches are visible in the current embroidery. This is useful to isolate an area of stitches, especially if it includes more than one color, or you only wish to apply a function to part of an area.

The block can be moved, scaled and/or resized, mirrored horizontally and vertically and rotated to any degree. The block can be copied or cut to the clipboard and then pasted to the same or another embroidery. The block can also be deleted.


Select Stitches

Block Select Functions

Box Select

Color Block Select

Freehand Select

Point Select

Select None

Replace Selection

Add To Selection

Remove From Selection

Move Block

Resize Block and Scale Block

Rotate Block

Modify Block

Flip or Skew Block

Center in Hoop

Reverse Order