Move Block

Move a block using click and drag. Click inside the block and drag it to the required position. Any stitches which lead to or from the block will be stretched to accommodate the new position of the stitches moved in the block.

When you drag the selection, an outline within the selection box shows the shape of the block. If you accidentally move the center of rotation Center_of_rotation00794.jpg, simply click and drag inside the selection box again. For more information on the Center of Rotation, see Free Rotation.


A block of stitches can be moved in small amounts to nudge it accurately into the desired position. Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to nudge a block.

Select Stitches

Block Select Functions

Box Select

Color Block Select

Freehand Select

Point Select

Select All Visible

Select None

Replace Selection

Add To Selection

Remove From Selection

Resize Block and Scale Block

Rotate Block

Modify Block

Flip or Skew Block

Center in Hoop

Reverse Order