Creating Areas and Lines

Areas and lines are created using the QuickStitch™, QuickTrace, Shape, Freehand Create and Point Create features, or automatically with the ExpressDesign Wizard.

Draw a line with the Freehand and Point Create features, or follow a line in a picture with QuickStitch™, QuickTrace and the ExpressDesign Wizard.

You can change an open line to a closed one, or vice versa using the Closed Border switch on the Line tab of the Fill Area and Line Properties dialog box. This allows you to create a fill area with a closed or open border.

Creating with QuickStitch™, QuickTrace and Shape

Creating with Freehand Create and Point Create

Creating Shapes

Area Types

Line Types

Objects Created in the ExpressDesign Wizard

Creating Designs

Fill Area and Line Properties

Column Properties

Object Properties

Global Properties

Change Properties for Selected Objects

Changing Stitch Types

Design Size and Creating Embroideries

Creating with Freehand Create and Point Create

Objects Created in the ExpressDesign Wizard