Global Properties

The properties of all visible objects of a chosen type can be changed with Global Properties.

Global Properties is not used for Stops, and has no effect on Color Changes.


Change Object Settings with Global Properties

  1. Use the Edit tab and the Design Panel to hide any objects you do not wish to affect.

  2. For example, hide objects by color, or use the Hide Object Types filters.

  3. Right-click an object of the desired type in the FilmStrip and select Global Properties from the context menu.
    The properties dialog box for the object will appear, with the current settings taken from the selected object.

  4. Adjust the properties as desired.

  5. Click OK.

All the settings in the dialog box will be applied to all visible objects of the same type.

When you click OK, the settings are applied globally even if you did not change anything. For example, if you have a fill area that already has the desired settings, select the fill area then select Global Properties and click OK to replicate the settings on all visible fill areas.

Global Properties is only available if a single object is selected.

Creating Designs

Creating Areas and Lines

Quick Create

Creating with Freehand Create and Point Create

Freehand Create

Point Create

Fill Area and Line Properties

Column Properties

Fill Area and Line Properties

Column Properties

Object Properties

Change Properties for Selected Objects

Changing Stitch Types

Design Size and Creating Embroideries