Stitch Drawing

Use the pen on a graphics tablet to draw stitches with any of the stitch drawing functions in the Standard or Free pages of the control panel:

Standard Page

Running Stitch Quilt_Motion_icon_cp00572.jpg


Triple Stitch Triple_Stitch_icon00574.jpg


Motif Line Draw_Motifs_cp_icon00576.jpg


Satin Line 2mm_Satin_Line_icon00578.jpg

Drag the pen across the tablet to draw a line of running stitch


Drag the pen across the tablet to draw a line of triple stitch


Drag the pen across the tablet to draw a line of motifs


Drag the pen across the tablet to draw a satin line

Free Page

Single Stitch Single_Stitch_icon_cp00580.jpg


Free Motion Free_Motion_icon_cp00582.jpg


Horizontal ZigZag Horizontal_ZigZag_icon_cp00584.jpg

Add one stitch each time the pen is touched to a graphics tablet


Drag the pen across the tablet to continuously draw stitches


Drag the pen across the tablet to continuously draw zigzags from left to right

Rotational ZigZag Rotational_ZigZag_icon_cp00586.jpg


Calligraphy Calligraphy_icon00588.jpg



Drag the pen across the tablet to continuously draw zigzags at right angles to the pointer path


Draw stitches on the work area using the pen on the tablet (or with click-and-drag with the mouse)



Draw stitches on the work area using the pen on a graphics tablet (or with click-and-drag with the mouse).

When drawing Free Motion, Horizontal ZigZag, Rotational ZigZag and Calligraphy, stitches are added continuously while the pen is in contact with the tablet (or until the mouse button is released). Move the pen faster to add stitch points further apart, or slower to add stitch points close together.

Trims Trim_Command_marker.jpg and tie-offs are added automatically at the end of each section. Use Stitches Preferences Preferences_icon00591.jpg to change the settings for tie-offs, and the minimum gap for trims.

Each new section of stitching that you draw is one undo step, so that if you use Undo


, you will only undo the last continuous line of stitches.

Insert Stop Commands Stop_Command_marker.jpg to allow appliqué or decoration to be added. See Add Stop.

Insert Mode

Standard Mode

Stop Commands

Free Motion Mode

Stitch Drawing Examples