Free Motion Stitch Speed

The Free Motion Stitch Speed controls the rate at which stitch points are drawn by Free Motion, Horizontal ZigZag, Rotational ZigZag and Calligraphy. It is equivalent to stitches-per-minute on a sewing machine.

The Free Motion Stitch Speed can vary from 100 to 2000 stitches per minute, in steps of 100.

Fixed Free Motion Stitch Speed

When initially using mySewnet™ Sketch, the Free Motion Stitch Speed is fixed at the rate selected on the control panel. In order to change the speed, you must stop drawing stitches and adjust the slider.

Drag the Free Motion Stitch Speed slider to set the desired speed.

Variable Free Motion Stitch Speed

Alternatively, you may vary the Free Motion Stitch Speed while drawing stitches. To enable this, select the Allow Variable Stitch Speed option in Stitches Preferences Preferences_icon00680.jpg.

You can then change the stitch speed using:

If you use the pressure sensitivity of the pen on a graphics tablet, the Free Motion Stitch Speed will be slow when you press lightly and fast when you press hard. You will see the Free Motion Stitch Speed slider moving as you change the pressure with your pen. This Pressing lighter and harder in this way is equivalent to pressing a sewing machine’s foot control lighter and harder to make the machine go slower and faster.

Pausing the pointer in the same place for too long while drawing Free Motion, Horizontal ZigZag, Rotational ZigZag or Calligraphy will 'pile up' stitches. The status bar will show the increasing stitch count. This may cause difficulties for some embroidery machines, so you should keep the pointer moving steadily while drawing stitches. If you need to stop, lift the pen from the tablet (or release the mouse button), then continue drawing from the same place when you are ready.

Free Motion Stitch Speed and Zoom Level

The zoom level affects the spacing of stitch points as you draw with Free Motion, Horizontal ZigZag, Rotational ZigZag and Calligraphy.

When you are zoomed in, the distance you draw, as shown on the screen, is a shorter real distance in the embroidery, so the stitch points will be closer together. This will alter the appearance of the stitches. However, this does mean that you can create more detail when you are zoomed in. If you wish to keep the same appearance as stitches you have already placed, either move the pen faster or reduce the Free Motion Stitch Speed. If you are using the pressure sensitivity on the pen, you can press more lightly to reduce the Free Motion Stitch Speed. 

The opposite happens when you zoom out. The distance you draw on the screen becomes a longer real distance in the embroidery, so the stitch points will be further apart. In this case, draw more slowly or increase the Free Motion Stitch Speed to maintain the appearance of the stitches. If you are using the pressure sensitivity on the pen, you can press more heavily to increase the Free Motion Stitch Speed.

Single Stitch and the Standard Mode stitches are not affected by the zoom level.

ZigZag Width

Calligraphy Angle

Single Stitch

Free Motion

Horizontal ZigZag

Rotational ZigZag


Free Motion Mode