Flip Vertical and Horizontal

Mirror the selected embroidery or block of stitches vertically or horizontally using the flip handles on the selection box.

There are no flip handles for multiple selections or groups; if desired, use Combine in order to mirror. There are no flip handles for Monograms; if desired fix as embroidery, then mirror.



Horizontally Flip Block

Move the pointer over the Flip Horizontal handle Flip_Horizontal_handle00717.jpg and it becomes the horizontal double-arrow pointer Double_arrow_pointer00719.jpg. Click the Flip Horizontal handle to mirror an embroidery or selected block horizontally.

Vertically Flip Block

Move the pointer over the Flip Vertical handle Flip_Vertical_handle.jpg and it becomes the vertical double-arrow pointer Vert_Double_arrow_pointer00722.jpg. Click the Flip Vertical handle to mirror an embroidery or selected block vertically.

Selecting Embroideries

Grouping Selected Embroideries


Resize and Scale


Modify Design



Undo and Redo

Center In Hoop

Alignment Tools

Horizontal Alignment

Vertical Alignment

Multiple Select Features