Color Change and Pick Color

Use Color Change Add_Color_Change_icon00855.jpg and Pick Color Pick_Color_icon00857.jpg on the Create tabs, or Insert Color Change Add_Color_Change_icon00859.jpg in the FilmStrip to select a new thread color for the stitch objects you are about to add to the design. The first Color Change is initially set to medium blue. A Color Change command is shown by a small blue circle with a C Color_Change_marker00861.jpg.

To change an existing color, double-click the desired color in the color worksheet on the Design Panel, or select the color in the worksheet and click Change Color Color_Change_icon00863.jpg. Alternatively, right-click the color in the FilmStrip and select Properties. The Color Selection dialog box opens.

To delete a color change, select the Color Change in the FilmStrip or on the work area, then click the Delete icon Delete_icon.jpg, use the Delete key, or right-click in the FilmStrip and select Delete. The first Color Change in a design may not be deleted.

To insert a color, select the object after which the color change is desired, and click Color Change Add_Color_Change_icon00866.jpg on one of the Create tabs, or right-click in the FilmStrip and select Insert Color Change from the context menu. Alternatively, select Pick Color Pick_Color_icon00868.jpg and choose a color from the background picture.

Select a color from the Color Selection box that appears. You may choose any thread shade from the available thread manufacturers' palettes (for instance, Sulky Rayon 40 or Robison-Anton Cotton 50) or a thread you have added to MyThreads. Select colors by visual selection or by typing in a shade number. Alternatively you can choose a ’Quick Color’ Theme and then select one of the 32 Quick Colors. See Quick Color Themes. Optionally, add a thread or needle effect to the selected thread. Once the desired color is selected, click OK.

Extra design property colors for some objects can be set in the properties dialog for that object, for example multigradient fills and the border for a fill area. They then appear as secondary colors in the color worksheet, and can be adjusted from there. See Secondary Colors.

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