Editing Frames

After a frame has been placed in the work area, you can change its size and stitch types until it is fixed as an embroidery. If it was grouped, use Reveal Groups Restrict_Groups_icon04066.jpg on the FilmStrip or context menu, then select the frame to adjust it.

Frame Properties

Frame Color

Change a Frame in the Work Area

  1. There are four green handles on the corners of the frame. Move the mouse pointer over one of the corner Corner_handle_green.jpg handles. The Adjust/resize pointer Diag_DoubleHeaded_arrow_pointer04069.jpg appears.

  2. Click and drag the handle to adjust the size of the frame.

  3. Hold Ctrl while dragging a handle to keep the frame in proportion.

  4. To adjust the frame properties, right-click the frame.

  5. From the right-click menu, select Properties to change the frame size in the Frame Properties dialog box, or select a stitch type to adjust it in its stitch properties dialog box.

  6. Click and drag the frame to place it as desired.

You can also rotate the frame with the rotate handle Rotate_handle_green.jpg, or flip it with the horizontal Flip_Horizontal_handle_green04072.jpg and vertical Flip_Vertical_handle_green.jpg mirror handles.

Creating Frames

Frame Selection

Frame Properties

Fixing Frames and Flourishes as Embroideries

Using Frames



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