Size Options

Use Size Options Size_Options_icon00250.jpg to open the Size Options dialog box.

Use the Size Options dialog box to set the recommended minimum and maximum size for the font or SuperDesign set. Although system SuperDesigns may have different default sizes, the default initial size for a SuperDesign set you create will always be the recommended minimum.

Hoops are not available in mySewnet™ Font Digitizing. Set the minimum and maximum size for your characters and SuperDesigns when creating the font or SuperDesign set in the Create or Edit Font dialog, or change the maximum and minimum size using Size Options Size_Options_icon00252.jpg.


Minimum Size

Set the minimum size for the letters in the font, or the designs in a SuperDesign set.

Maximum Size

Set the maximum size for the letters in the font, or the designs in a SuperDesign set.


New Window

Create or Edit Font

Export As EDO



Editing Characters

Font Background

Undo and Redo

Editing Fonts

Universal Properties

Multiple Character Copy

Insert Points on Straight Lines

Pictures for Fonts

Line Properties

Fill Properties

Editing a Design