Echo Fill

Echo Fill Echo_Fill02614.jpg places echo lines within and around a shape. Choose from rounded, square and diagonal corners, set the gap between the echo lines and the number of lines, and select the stitch type and length.




Rounded corners

Square corners

Diagonal corners

Echo Fill — Options

The Echo Fill properties dialog box enables you to place echo lines within a shape. Set the fill type, style, gap, stitch type and stitch length.


Echo Area

Internal Fill: Fill the selected area with lines, using the chosen Gap between the lines of stitching.

Internal Lines: Place the chosen number of lines around the inside of the selected area, using the selected Gap.

External Lines: Place the chosen number of lines around the outside of the selected area, using the selected Gap.

External and Internal Lines: Place the chosen number of lines around the outside and inside of the selected area, using the selected Gap.

Echo Lines

Set the number of echo lines. The minimum number of lines is 1, and the maximum number of lines is 30. The initial number is 5.


Set the Gap to the preferred distance between lines of stitching.

Set the Gap from 2mm to 20mm in steps of 0.1mm. It is initially set to 5mm.


Choose from 1, 2 or 3. For a square shape:

Rounded corners (1) is initially selected.

Stitch type

Select a line type for the echo lines in the fill. Choose from:

Stitch Length

Set the stitch length for the echo lines from 1 to 12mm in 0.1mm steps. The initial setting is 2mm.

Fill Types

Creating Fill Areas

Pattern Fill

Motif Fill

Shape Fill

Radial Fill

Spiral Fill

QuiltStipple Fill

Contour Fill

Crosshatch Fill

Curved Crosshatch Fill

MultiWave Fill

Satin Area

No Fill

Manage My Fills


Line Types