Click in the Letters box and enter the desired characters. The text in the Letters box will remain the same until you enter new text or close mySewnet™ Embroidery.
To change existing lettering that has already been placed, including the font if desired, select the lettering then right-click within the lettering for Letter Properties. Letter Properties is available even after saving, but not after lettering has been fixed (converted to embroidery).
In an uppercase (UC) font any lowercase letters entered appear as uppercase, and in a lowercase (LC) font uppercase letters appear as lowercase.
If you type special characters that are not available in the font, they will not appear on the work area when you apply the lettering.
To start a new line of text, or break an existing line of text into two lines, use Enter on the keyboard. Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move around the lines of text in the Letters box.
If Check Spelling is selected in Preferences, unrecognized words in the Letters box will be underlined in red. You can select alternatives from the Context menu.
Click File, Preferences and ensure Check Spelling is selected and the language is set to English US.
Click the Letter tab.
Click in the Letters text box and enter the words "Roses are red, vilets are blue". The word "vilets" is underlined in red.
Right–click to select the word. A Context menu appears.
Click Suggestions. A list of suggested alternatives appears.
Choose the word "violets" from the Context menu. The word is replaced in the Letters text box.
You can also use Add in the Context menu to add words to the dictionary, for example your name, or use Ignore to ignore the suggestion, and Undo if you chose the wrong suggestion.