Wizards |
Start the ExpressMonogram Wizard to add a one, two or three letter monogram. Alt, C, M |
Create an embroidery automatically to fit the currently selected hoop. Alt, C, E, H |
Create an embroidery automatically that is a best fit to a rectangular selected area. Alt, C, E, R |
Create an embroidery automatically from a photo to fit the currently selected hoop. Alt, C, P, H |
Create an embroidery automatically from a photo that is a best-fit to a rectangular selected area. Alt, C, P, R |
Create a word design automatically using your choice of outline, words, and fonts. Alt, C, W |
Create a filled or outline quilt block automatically, or create a quilting fill around an embroidery. Alt, C, Q |
Create intricate spiral designs in multiple colors, using Running, Double or Triple stitch lines. Alt, C, S |
Create an embroidered chart from your family history. Alt, C, F |
Create an in-the-hoop design using your choice of project type, style and dimensions. Alt, C, I |
Insert |
Digitizer |
Open mySewnet™ Digitizing to create a digitized design. Alt, C, D |
Cross Stitcher |
Open mySewnet™ Cross Stitcher to create a cross stitch design. Alt, C, C |
Open |
Sketch |
Open mySewnet™ Sketch to draw an embroidery design as stitches. Alt, C, K |