Enter one or more words to show all SuperDesigns that match. Alt, S, E |
Clear all search text. Alt, S, X |
Click the drop-down arrow on the right of the SuperDesign set name and choose the desired SuperDesign set in the list. Thumbnails of the SuperDesigns in the set will be shown. Alt, S, G |
Click the thumbnail of the desired SuperDesign to select and highlight it. Alt, S, D |
Select from a choice of alternative stitching styles for your selected design. Alt, S, T |
Size |
Set the height of the SuperDesign in millimeters, and set its width/height proportions. Size: Alt, S, S; Width: Alt, S, W; Height: Alt, S, H |
Alter the appearance of the stitching used in the SuperDesign. Alt, S, I |
Apply |
Place the SuperDesign in the work area. Alt, S, A |