Creating Fill Areas

Create Fill areas with the QuickStitch™, Freehand and Point Area or Line, or Shape functions.

Set the Fill, Line and Appliqué buttons as desired by clicking to turn that area type on or off. Then choose a fill type from the drop-down menu below the button, and set the properties in the Fill Area and Line options. Use one of the Create functions to make the new fill area.

See Creating with Quick Create, Creating with Freehand and Point Create, and Creating Shapes.

Either add holes at the time of fill creation using QuickStitch™ + AutoHole, or add holes to an existing fill. See Creating Holes.

You can select your fill type, and the line type for the surrounding border, in one of the Create tabs before creating the fill.

Alternatively, change either the fill or border type afterwards using Fill Area and Line properties. Use the Favorites tab to make the chosen settings into Favorites that may be applied to other areas, or into the current settings, to use as default for new areas of this type.

Fill Types

Pattern Fill

Motif Fill

Shape Fill

Radial Fill

Spiral Fill

QuiltStipple Fill

Contour Fill

Crosshatch Fill

Curved Crosshatch Fill

MultiWave Fill

Echo Fill

Satin Area

No Fill

Manage My Fills