Creating Columns

Create columns with the Column functions. Choose from Satin Column Continuous_Satin_icon02819.jpg, Feathered Satin Feathered_Satin_icon02821.jpg, Richelieu Bars Richelieu_Bars_icon02823.jpg or Tapered Motifs Tapered_Motif_icon02825.jpg.

You can select your column type in the Create tabs before creating the fill.

Alternatively, change the column type afterwards using Fill Area and Line properties.

Use the Favorites tab to make the chosen settings into Favorites that may be applied to other areas, or into the current settings, to use as default for new areas of this type.


Select the column type from the Create tabs:


Satin Column


Richelieu Bars


Feathered Satin


Tapered Motifs

Satin stitch will 'pull up' in the direction that the stitches are sewn, so it is advisable to lay down underlay stitches for stabilization.

You can set automatic underlay in the Column properties dialog.