Richelieu Bars

Use Richelieu Bars Richelieu_Bars_icon02896.jpg to place bars in the work area. Richelieu bars are often used in lace designs.



Place alternate points to define a column of Richelieu bars (short sections of satin perpendicular to the direction of the column).

Click the Options button to set the width and density of the satin bars and either the number of bars or the gap between them.

To use Bezier lines instead of placing points, click to enable Bezier Mode Bezier_Mode_icon02900.jpg, then draw your Richelieu Bars using Bezier lines. See Draw a column with Bezier Curves.


Richelieu Bars Options

Use Richelieu Bars Options to set the width and density of the satin bars, the gap between the bars, and the number of bars.



Column Type Selection

If desired, select a different column type from the drop-down list. Select from Satin Column, Feathered Satin and Tapered Motifs.

If no column is currently selected, this option will be grayed out.

Convert to Satin Area

Click Convert to Satin Area Convert_to_Satin_Area_icon02905.jpg to change the column to a Satin Area. The Fill Area and Line properties dialog for Satin Area is displayed. See Satin Area Options.

Click Undo Undo_icon02907.jpg to change back to a column.


Set the Width of the satin bars from 1mm to 6mm in steps of 0.1mm. The initial setting is 2mm.

Set the Density of the satin bars from 2 to 15. The initial Density is 4.


Select a method for setting the number of bars.

Select Minimum Gap Size to set the distance between the bars from 1mm to 50mm in steps of 1mm. The initial setting is 6mm.

Select Number of Bars to set the number of bars from 1 to 50. The initial number is 6.

Turn off Include Additional First and Last Bar if the edges of the Richelieu bar area are to be covered in satin. This option is initially selected.


Choose from Edge walk, Center link with zigzag return, and Web double with zigzag return. All three options are initially selected.

Vary the combination of underlay, depending on the type of design. It is recommended to use all three types for free-standing lace.

Creating Columns

Richelieu Bars

Satin Column

Feathered Satin

Tapered Motifs
