Insert Trim Command

Use Insert Trim Command Insert_Trim_icon_cp00947.jpg to add a command which instructs some embroidery machines to cut the thread. A Trim command Trim_Command_marker_Large00949.jpg is shown by a green circle containing the letter T.

When adding trims to an embroidery, first use Automatically Add Trim Commands Automatically_Add_Trim_Commands_icon00951.jpg, then add any additional trims with Insert Trim Command. See Automatically Add Trim Commands.

To add trims automatically to an embroidery with no trims when it is opened, set "Add trims automatically when opening a file" in the General section of Preferences. See General.

Click Insert Trim Command and the pointer changes to the insert trim pointer Insert_Trim_pointer00953.jpg. Then click on a stitch. When a trim is inserted, the stitch disappears.

The Trim command marker becomes smaller


when Insert Trim Command is deselected.

This is useful when converting embroideries made for non-trimming machines for use on machines that support Trim commands. Trim commands can be added between areas of the same color. For instance, insert Trim commands to trim out the joining stitches between lettering when the thread color contrasts with the fabric.

To cancel the function, right-click on the work area.


Insert Color Command

Insert Stop Command

Edit Stop Command

Stop Properties

Delete Commands