
Use Coordinates


 to show and hide the Stitch Coordinates dialog box, which shows the coordinates of stitch points. This can also be used to change stitch point positions by editing x and y coordinates.

The Stitch Coordinates dialog box shows the technical details of the Start and End stitches in the current Draw Range. Five stitches are shown at each end of the Draw Range, with the first and last visible stitch indicated by an asterisk. Either absolute (related to the start point of the embroidery) or relative coordinates (related to the previous stitch) may be displayed.



While the Stitch Coordinates dialog box is open, you can change the Draw Range as required and the Coordinates dialog box will show the relevant stitches and commands.

The X, Y and Length columns are shown in millimeters or inches, according to the Show Measurements setting in mySewnet™ Configure.

This is an advanced function that can be used to help find individual stitches or commands.


Stitch No.

The number of each stitch. The asterisk indicates the first or last visible stitch, depending on whether Cursor is set to Start or End respectively.

X and Y

The horizontal and vertical coordinates of the stitches. If Type is set to Relative then this is the distance from the previous stitch. If Type is set to Absolute then this is the distance of each stitch from the center of the hoop.


The length of each stitch from the previous point to the current stitch point.


This indicates if the stitch or stitch point is a special type of stitch, or if there is a Command associated with the stitch point.




The last stitch point in the embroidery.


Color Change Command. The thread range and thread number is also shown.


Stop Command.


Trim Command.


This indicates whether the X and Y coordinates are Relative to the previous stitch point or Absolute distances from the center of the hoop.


Click Start or End to see the first or last stitches in the Draw Range. End is selected when the Stitch Coordinates dialog box is displayed.


When a stitch in the list is selected by clicking it, the Coordinates boxes show the position (Relative or Absolute) of the stitch point. This does not apply to any item that has an entry in the Command column. If desired, edit the X and Y coordinates and click the Apply button to change the position of the stitch point.



Get Length

Notes and Settings

Design Information