Line Types

Choose a line type before drawing the line, or change it afterwards in Fill Area and Line properties.

Running, Double and Triple Stitches

Set Running Stitch Running_Stitch_icon_lg_dp00925.jpg from 0.3-12.0 mm in 0.1mm steps (standard, or cutwork needle lines with secure points). Set Double Double_Stitch_icon_lg_dp00927.jpg, Double Zigzag Double_Stitch_with_Zigzag_Return_icon_lg_dp00929.jpg and Triple Triple_Stitch_icon_lg_dp00931.jpg Stitch to any length from 1mm to 12mm.







Double Zigzag is a special stitch type, recommended for lace. A running stitch line is retraced in a zigzag pattern to create a mesh.

Motif Line

Motif Lines Motif_Line_icon_lg_dp00939.jpg are lines of the chosen Universal or machine motif patterns.



Satin Line

Create Satin Lines Satin_Stitch_icon_lg_dp00942.jpg where a line or border of satin stitches of constant width is desired. The line will be created along the center of the chosen line.





Individual satin lines and the satin borders used around fills or appliqué are identical.


Select Appliqué Applique_icon00946.jpg to use appliqué fabric and placement stitches with a fill area that you create. Select an appliqué fabric in the Appliqué Selection dialog box, and choose a placement method in the Fill Area and Line options Appliqué tab.


Commands are instructions such as the Color Change Color_change_icon00948.jpg that changes the thread at the start of a new color block. The Stop Stop_icon00950.jpg tells an embroidery machine to stop without a color change.

Color changes, stops and alignment stitches are indicated by special blue, red and pink markers when in 2D or Object mode.




Color Change


Alignment Stitch

Alignment Stitches

Use Alignment Stitches AlignCross_icon00956.jpg to add stitches at the beginning of an embroidery that you can use to align the embroidery, for example if it is being stitched over a background picture.

Alignment Stitches are typically placed at the beginning of an embroidery. They will be inserted after the currently selected object, but may be moved if desired. Alignment Stitches are created as a cross, but may be altered after placement.

Single Stitch

Use Single Stitch Single_Stitch_icon00958.jpg to create single stitches that will be embroidered at whatever length they are made. Alternatively, if you select to Break Up into Smaller Stitches they will be broken up into stitches of Running Stitch at any length from 1mm to 12mm.

Single stitches cannot be converted to any other line type.

Creating with QuickStitch™, QuickTrace and Shape

Creating with Freehand Create and Point Create

Creating Shapes

Area Types

Objects Created in the ExpressDesign Wizard

Creating Areas and Lines

Using Fill Areas

Creating Columns

Appliqué and Colors

Using Lines

Point Create