Freehand Create

When using the Freehand Create functions, lines and areas Freehand_Create_icon00856.jpg are created by drawing outlines on the design with a pen on a graphics tablet, or by dragging with the mouse.

All of the Freehand Create tools work in the same way, except for Commands and Columns.


Draw a Fill Area with Freehand Create

  1. Select the stitch types.

  2. In the Freehand Create tab, click Create Freehand Area or Line Freehand_Create_icon00859.jpg.

  3. Draw one continuous line to create a line or area.

  4. Lift the pen or release the mouse button to complete the line or area.

  5. Repeat to draw as many new areas or lines as desired.

  6. Right-click to deselect the Freehand Create function when you have finished, or simply select another tool.

The Freehand Create functions provide a natural drawing experience and are generally recommended. When zoomed in, use the Scroll Bars to assist in drawing new objects.

Creating Designs

Quick Create

Creating with Freehand Create and Point Create

Point Create

Fill Area and Line Properties

Column Properties

Object Properties

Global Properties

Change Properties for Selected Objects

Changing Stitch Types

Design Size and Creating Embroideries

Area Types

Creating with QuickStitchâ„¢, QuickTrace and Shape

Area Types

Line Types


Objects Created in the ExpressDesign Wizard