Bezier Mode

Use Bezier Mode Bezier_Mode_icon00869.jpg to draw shapes with finely graduated curves. Control the exact shape of the line using the black handles to either side of the points you place.

Click to place Corner points, or click and drag to place curve points with handles.


For information on Control Points and the other Bezier Line editing tools, see Convert Points and Bezier Lines.


The Point Create functions may be easier to use for the exact positioning of corners, straight lines and curves than the Freehand Create functions.

Area Types

Line Types

Objects Created in the ExpressDesign Wizard

Creating Designs

Quick Create

Creating with Freehand Create and Point Create

Freehand Create

Fill Area and Line Properties

Column Properties

Object Properties

Global Properties

Change Properties for Selected Objects

Changing Stitch Types

Design Size and Creating Embroideries

Creating Areas and Lines

Area Types

Creating with QuickStitchâ„¢, QuickTrace and Shape

Line Types


Objects Created in the ExpressDesign Wizard