Working with Protected Designs

Designs from the mySewnet™ Library are opened in a protected state, as indicated by a library design Library_Resize_symbol.jpg & Library_Scale_symbol.jpg symbol in the FilmStrip.


Any project that includes a mySewnet™ Library design will be saved or exported in a protected state.

You can only stitch out protected projects on a mySewnet™ Library enabled embroidery machine.

Opening and Inserting Protected Designs

Protected designs can only be opened in mySewnet™ Embroidery or mySewnet™ Stitch Editor. They cannot be opened in any other module.

When you use Open Open_icon00225.jpg to load a mySewnet™ Library design, or a project containing a Library design, the protected sub-designs are shown in the FilmStrip.

If a project that includes a mySewnet™ Library design is opened with a mySewnet™subscription present, the protected parts will no be loaded.

Saving and Exporting Protected Designs

When protected projects are saved with Save Save_icon00227.jpg or Save As Save_As_icon00229.jpg, a protected format .evp4 file is created.

When protected projects are Exported Export_icon00231.jpg, the protected format .evp3 is used.

You can only stitch out protected projects on a mySewnet™ Library enabled embroidery machine.

Working with a Protected Project

Any project that includes a mySewnet™ Library design becomes a partially protected project. The protected components can only be stitched out on mySewnet™ Library enabled machine with an active mySewnet™ Library subscription.

Printing a Worksheet

When you print a worksheet for a protected project, the words "Protected file" can been seen at the bottom of the worksheet.

Browsing Protected Designs

Designs from the mySewnet™ Library use the file extensions .evp3 and .evp4.


When in Icon view in Explorer, the Protected Design icon Protected_File_icon.jpg can be seen.

To identify protected designs in thumbnail view, ensure that  the ’File name extensions’ option is checked. Protected_Design_tooltip.jpg

To see the design type and details for the design, hover over the design to read the tooltip.


New Window

Open Embroideries

Save Embroideries
