Using the Split Project Wizard

  1. With a large project open, click Split Project Split_Project_Wiz_icon02310.jpg on the Create tab. The Split Embroidery page opens.ECW_Split_Embroidery_page.jpg

  2. Click Change Hoop to select your desired hoop (here, 240mmx150mm - Universal Large Hoop 2).

  3. Select a Hoop Group, a Hoop Size, and the Orientation.
    To minimize the number of hoopings when stitching out, select the largest single-part hoop for your embroidery machine.

  4. In many circumstances, the initial setting for the other options on this page will work best, so make an initial split using these settings. If important features in the embroidery are split, click Back and adjust your settings.

  5. Adjust your settings on the Split Embroidery page, testing the results, until you are satisfied with the split lines. Use the preview when adjusting the hoop and Overlap.

  6. Increase or decrease Overlap to fit your embroideries within the hoop.

    For Connection, use Running Stitch, not Trim if you have to split large stitch areas.

    Use Corner alignment stitches if lightly embroidered areas are split, and Baste if heavily embroidered areas are split. Some machines have special positioning features which do not require alignment stitches.

  7. Click Next. The Save Embroidery page appears.ECW_Save_Embroidery_page.jpg

  8. Use the View Previous Split_Dial_icon_Prev.jpg and Next Split_Dial_icon_Next.jpg buttons to preview the splitting of the embroidery and, if necessary, go back to the Split Embroidery page to adjust your settings.

  9. Click Export All Sections Export_icon02316.jpg to save the split embroidery. Browse to your My Designs folder, and name the project. The split sections will be numbered automatically.

  10. Click Next. The Print Options page appears.

  11. Print a plan and worksheets for your project:ECW_Print_Options_page.jpg
    • Overview prints a plan of the split sections, with section names.
    • Complete 2D Template prints a full size 2D template of the split embroidery sections, with an outline around each section to indicate how to join them together.
    • Worksheets prints a worksheet for each section. The worksheet gives the dimensions of the design, the total number of stitches, a full list of the threads used, and the number of stitches for each thread.

  12. The Overview and Complete 2D Template may only be printed from the Split Project Wizard.

  13. Click Finish to close the wizard.

Split Project Wizard

Split Embroidery

Save Embroidery

Print Options

Stitch Out and Align Split Project Sections

Split Project Wizard Examples