Insert Color Command

Use Insert Color Command Insert_Col_Chg_icon_cp.jpg to add a new color change at the point where you click.

Click the icon and the pointer changes to the insert color pointer Insert_Color_pointer01083.jpg. Then click on the stitch where you want the color change. The Color Selection dialog box is displayed for you to select the thread color for the new color change.

After you have selected a thread color, the stitches on the embroidery are displayed in the new color after the new color change and up to the next color change.

When you select the Design tab you will see the new color block in sequence in the color worksheet according to where you inserted the Color Change command.

To cancel the function, right-click on the work area or click Cancel in the Color Selection dialog box.


Color Worksheet

Move and Merge Color Blocks

Insert Stop Command

Stop Properties

Draw All Stitches