
Use Insert Insert_icon00151.jpg to add an existing embroidery into your current project. The Open dialog is displayed so that you can choose an embroidery to insert. Multipart designs will be grouped automatically. Alignment stitches will be removed.

The hoop and background are not shown when inserting an embroidery. Use Open Open_icon00153.jpg to load a design with the hoop and background.




Load an Embroidery

  1. Click File at the top left to open the Welcome screen.

  2. In the Welcome screen, click Blank Canvas


     to start a new project. The Hoop selection dialog opens.

  3. Click the Hoop icon


    , and ensure that the hoop is set to 100mm x 100mm - Universal Square Hoop 1. Click OK.

  4. Click Insert



  5. In the Open dialog box, browse to the folder \mySewnet\Samples\Embroidery\Stitch. The embroideries in the folder will be shown.

  6. If desired, click Change Your View


    to view icons of the embroideries.

  7. Scroll down to show the thumbnail of the bells.
    If you position the arrow pointer over a thumbnail without clicking, the details about the embroidery will be shown.

  8. Insert_dialog_box00164.jpg


  9. Click the picture of the bells and the embroidery will be selected.

  10. Click Open to load the embroidery onto the screen.




Open Recently Used Embroideries

Load Embroideries with Drag and Drop

Open Embroideries


Save Embroideries