Change an Existing Thread Color

The Color Selection dialog box will appear when you double-click a thread color in the color worksheet, or select a thread and click the Change Color icon Color_Change_icon00460.jpg. You may choose any thread shade from the available thread manufacturers' palettes (for instance, Sulky Rayon 40 or Robison-Anton Cotton 50) or a thread you have added to My Threads. Select colors by visual selection or by typing in a shade number. Alternatively, click one of the Quick Colors to select the nearest matching thread color. Once the desired color is selected, click OK. Optionally, add a thread or needle effect to the selected color block.


When you select a new thread color, the color worksheet will show the change and the work area will show the block of stitches in the new color (assuming the stitches are not hidden).

Change a Thread Color

  1. Click a color that you want to change in the color worksheet. The color block will be highlighted.

  2. Click the Change Color icon


     below the color worksheet. The Color Selection dialog box will appear.

  3. Alternatively, double-click the color block, or right-click the color block and choose Change Color from the context menu.

  4. If required, change the thread range. Select the desired thread range from all thread ranges or only MyThreadRanges. The available shades for the thread range will be shown in the list.

  5. The Abbreviation shows the reference used for the thread range when threads from that range are added to MyThreads.

    You can use the Manage button to add new threads and Thread Ranges in mySewnet™ Thread Cache. The Color Selection dialog box will close. See the mySewnet™ Thread Cache Reference Guide for more information.

  6. Click a color in the list to select a thread shade visually. You can use the scroll bar to browse through the list of threads.

  7. If you know the shade number, click in the Find Thread box then type the required shade number.

  8. Alternatively, choose a Quick Color Theme then click the desired Quick Color. The nearest shade that is available from the current thread range will be selected.

  9. This is also a quick way to jump to threads of that color (for example, click light yellow in the Standard Theme to jump to light yellow thread shades).

  10. If desired, add a thread or needle effect. Then click OK to confirm the color selection. The dialog box closes, and your changes are displayed in the work area.

Thread Colors

Move and Merge Color Blocks

Insert Color Command
