Edit Quick Color Themes


Select a Theme from the drop-down list.

Any new Theme will be based on the colors in this theme.

Add New

Click Add New to create a new theme.

Delete Theme

Click Delete Theme to remove a custom Theme.

You cannot delete system Themes.


Enter the desired theme name.

Theme Colors

Click a color in the grid and a box will appear around the selected color.QC_Theme_sel_color.jpg

Edit Color

Click Edit Color to change the currently selected color in the Colors Dialog Box. Alternatively, double-click a color to change it in the Colors Dialog Box.


Click Apply to save the changes you have made.

Copy Color

Click Copy Color to place the color in the color sample box, to the right of the button.

Use the color sample box to copy a color from one theme to another.

Paste Color

Click Paste Color to replace the color in the currently selected grid position with the color in the sample box.

Paste To All

Click Paste To All to place the color in the sample box in all the grid positions. This is useful when starting a new Theme if you wish to vary the Theme around a single initial color.


Click Close to finish editing the new theme. The new them is added to the end of the Theme list.

You will be asked if you want to save any changes you have made, if you have not clicked Apply.

Add a Quick Color Theme

Change a Quick Color Theme

Delete a Quick Color Theme

Quick Color Themes