Place Shape

Use Place Shape


 to select one of 120 shapes and create an outline or filled area using that shape. Then adjust its size.

Draw a ring, a square, a star or other shape using Place Shape.


Create a Shape

  1. In the Shape section of the Create tab select a fill and outline type. See Shape Options.Shape_As_dropdown.jpg

  2. If drawing a shape with a Backstitch Outline Shp_Opt_Bk_Outline_icon.jpg, you may select Smooth to smooth the outline of the shape by using three-quarter crosses rather than full crosses.
    Cross Outline Shp_Opt_X_Outline_icon.jpg is not affected by Smooth.

  3. Click the thread colors for your Fill and Outline choices to select a color for Cross Fill and your outline.

  4. To change the colors or pattern for a Pattern Fill Pattern_Fill_icon.jpg, choose the pattern and its colors in the Pattern tab.  See Select a Pattern.

  5. If a color is chosen that does not exist in the palette, it is automatically added to the palette when a shape is drawn in that color.

  6. Choose a shape from the Shape drop-down menu.

  7. Click the Place Shape Place_Shape_icon00751.jpg button to place the shape in the work area.
    The outline and fill will use the chosen colors and stitch type.Shape_As_Fill_example.jpg

  8. Drag the shape to the preferred position, and resize it as desired using the square corner handles.
    Hold down Ctrl as you drag to resize proportionally. Hold down the Shift key to resize from the center.

  9. Right-click the shape to place it in the work area.

  10. If desired, draw another shape or use Undo and draw the shape again.

Draw Shape

Freehand Shape

Point Shape

Drawing Shapes