Effect of Color Block Selection on Draw Range

Using the Draw Next Color Block or Draw Previous Color Block icons will set the Start and End slider handles to the beginning and end of the currently visible color block. If you next make another color block visible again immediately after using Draw Next/Previous Color Block then the Start and End slider handles will move to the first and last stitches, but only the stitches in the visible color blocks will be shown in the work area. Alternatively, if you next move the Start or End slider handle then all the color blocks in the color worksheet will be set back to visible, although only the stitches selected with the slider handles will be shown in the work area.

When you set a Draw Range, only the stitches in the color blocks that are visible within the range will be displayed. If you then display a color block that is outside the Draw Range, the Draw Range will change to include the newly visible color block and all stitches for all visible color blocks in the new Draw Range will be displayed.

Draw Range (Slider Bar)

View a Range of Stitches