Stepping Through Designs

In Edit Points mode, use the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard to step through all the objects in sequence. Alternatively, click an object in the FilmStrip and use the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard to step through all the objects in sequence.

If you are in Box Select mode Box_Block_pointer03477.jpg, the selected object will move in the work area. Right-click on the work area to enter Edit Points mode.

The color worksheet, object filters and Draw Range are also useful to isolate objects.

How to Step Through Design Objects

  1. In the Design window, ensure that Edit Points mode is selected.

  2. In Edit Points mode the pointer is an arrow. If the Box Select pointer


     can be seen, right-click to enter Edit Points mode.

  3. Click any object. Its points will be shown and the object type will be shown on the bottom right of the status bar.

  4. Use the right arrow key on the keyboard to select the next object. Its points are shown and the object type is shown on the status bar. If you already have the last object in the design selected, it will remain selected.

  5. Use the left arrow key on the keyboard to select the previous object. Its points are shown and the object type is shown on the status bar. If you already have the first object in the design selected, it will remain selected.

Select Objects

Select a Place to Insert New Objects

Select an Object to Edit

Select a Block of Objects

Box Select

Point Select

Freehand Select

Select All Visible