Select All Visible

Select All Visible Make_Block_fr_Vis_icon_cp03716.jpg is a one-click function that selects all visible objects in the design. Right-click to deselect.


Use Select All Visible

  1. Use the FilmStrip, Draw Range sliders, Hide Object Types buttons and color worksheet to hide objects so that only the required objects are visible. Alternatively, for selecting a single object for adjustment, click the desired object in the FilmStrip, either right-click the FilmStrip and click Display Only Selected so that only the chosen object is visible, or click Only Selected


    in the Edit tab.

  2. Click the Select All Visible



  3. The currently visible objects will become the current selection, indicated by a rectangle with blue handles.

  4. Right-click to cancel the Select All Visible tool, which will also deselect any selected objects.

Select a Block of Objects

Box Select

Freehand Select

Point Select

Select None

Modify Block

Select an Object to Edit

Select None

Replace Selection

Add To Selection

Remove From Selection