
Choose any available motif for Motif Fill areas Motif_Fill_icon_lg_dp01109.jpg and Lines Motif_Line_icon_lg_dp01111.jpg. Motifs can also be used in Shape Shape_Fill_icon_lg_dp01113.jpg, MultiWave Multiwave_Fill_icon_lg_dp01115.jpg and Curved Crosshatch Curved_Crosshatch_Fill_icon01117.jpg fills, and tapered motifs columns Tapered_Motif_icon01119.jpg. The size of motifs can be changed, and they can be stitched in either running or triple stitch. For motif fill areas, a second motif can be chosen for alternating lines, and the spacing, offset and angle of lines can be changed. Check the current setting by clicking the Fill Area and Line button in the Options area of one of the Create tabs.





Stitch Length

Satin Line Width

Fill and Satin Patterns

Gap and Shape

Start, End and Origin

Feathered Side


Alignment Stitch Type

Object Properties