Gap and Shape

The QuiltStipple QuiltStipple_Fill_icon_lg_dp01091.jpg, Contour Contour_Fill_icon_lg_dp01093.jpg, Shape Shape_Fill_icon_lg_dp01095.jpg, Crosshatch Crosshatch_Fill_icon_lg_dp01097.jpg, Curved Crosshatch Curved_Crosshatch_Fill_icon01099.jpg and Echo Echo_Fill01101.jpg styles of fill have additional properties that are unique to these fill styles. QuiltStipple fills can have curved or straight stipple stitching, and a gap setting controls the spacing of the lines of stipple stitch. Contour fill also uses a gap setting that controls the spacing of the lines of Contour stitch. Shape fills have a choice of 120 shapes, which control the path of the stitching. Crosshatch and Curved Crosshatch fills can use diamond, square and parallel styles. They have a gap setting that controls the spacing between the lines in the crosshatch. Echo fills can use internal or external lines, varying the number or spacing. They also have a choice of three styles, with curved, square or diagonal corners.



Richelieu Bars may have a minimum gap or number of bars specified.



Stitch Length

Satin Line Width

Fill and Satin Patterns


Start, End and Origin

Feathered Side


Alignment Stitch Type

Object Properties