FilmStrip Options

Right-click on an individual item in the FilmStrip to see a menu of options relating to the currently selected object.

Alternatively, use the Edit tab.

Display Only Selected

Use Display Only Selected


 to show only the currently selected object or group of objects. (It will show all objects between any that are selected.) Use this if you wish to isolate a single object. For example, once the object is isolated, you can easily select it with Select All Visible


to move, resize, flip and rotate the object.

Display Only From Start

Use Display Only from Start


 to show only the currently visible objects from the start to the selected object. That is, hide all objects after the selected object.

Display Only To End

Use Only To End


 to show only the currently visible objects from the selected object to the end of the design. That is, hide all objects before the selected object.

Display All Objects

Display all objects and commands in the design.

Use Reveal Groups Display_Group_Contents_icon01438.jpg to switch between viewing the objects within Groups in the FilmStrip, and seeing only the Group heading rows in the FilmStrip. See Reveal Groups.


Cut the selected object(s) and place on the clipboard.


Copy the selected object(s) to the clipboard.


Paste the object(s) on the clipboard back into the design.


Make a copy of the selected object(s) which is automatically pasted into the work area.


Delete the selected object(s) from the design.

Insert Color Change

Insert a Color Change after the currently selected object. The Color Selection dialog box appears so you can choose the new color.

mySewnet™ Digitizing remembers the last thread color added to the design. This thread color will be initially selected in the Color Selection dialog box.

Insert Stop

Insert a Stop command after the currently selected object.


Group the selected objects together.


Split the currently selected group into the objects which make it up.

Select Similar from Visible

Select all visible objects with similar properties.

Select Similar from Group

Select all objects with similar properties that are in the same Group.


Show the properties dialog box for the selected object. This is the same as using right-click on the work area.

Global Properties

Show the properties dialog box for the selected object. When the settings in the dialog box are confirmed with the OK button, all visible objects of the same type will also have their properties changed to match the settings.

Layout Order

Use Move Forwards and Move Backwards to move an object one step up or down the FilmStrip, and use Move to Front and Move To Back to move an object to the bottom or top of the FilmStrip or Group.

FilmStrip Items

Select Objects in the FilmStrip

Change the Sequence of Objects

Layout Order

FilmStrip Options for Multiple Selected Objects