Double Stitch

Double stitch Double_Stitch_icon_lg_dp03023.jpg is a row of small stitches going forward, followed by a row of small stitches going backward, so it ends at the same point where it began.



Use double stitch for markout and to place branching outlines that need to return to their starting points.



Double Stitch Properties




Set the Length of Double stitch from 1 to 12mm in steps of 0.1mm.

The initial setting is 2mm.

Closed Border

Set the line as an open line or a closed line (a shape).

Use Closed Border to change an open line to a closed one, or vice versa. This allows you to create a fill area with a closed or open border (a border that runs all the way around a fill area, or only part of the way).

Insert Color Change

Insert a color change between a border line and the enclosed fill area. The Color Selection dialog is displayed.

See Color Selection.

Insert Color Change is only used when the line forms the border to a fill area.

Line Types

Running Stitch

Double Zigzag

Triple Stitch

Satin Line

Motif Line

No Border Line