Checking a Nearest Point Font

After you have created a nearest point font, you should check through it to ensure that all the required characters are present in four versions and have the correctly defined start and end points.

Check that all Nearest Point characters are correctly digitized

  1. Open the desired font.

  2. Inspect the Character table on the Font page. All of the characters that you digitized should be a solid green. If any are half green, half white, you have missed digitizing some of the character versions. Go to the relevant character and digitize the missing versions.

  3. In the character table on the Font page, select the character you digitized that is first in the character set. This is so you start at the beginning and work through the characters in order. The character will be displayed, and the Bottom Left To Bottom Right character version is selected automatically.

  4. Check that the character start point is at the bottom left of the character. The first object in a character is a Color Change Color_Change_marker.jpg, so this should be easy to identify.

  5. Check on the FilmStrip that the end of the character is at the bottom right, as indicated by the red end point.

  6. If the start and end points of the character area in the wrong place, edit the character until the points are positioned correctly.

  7. In the Font page select the Top Left To Top Right icon NP_top_top_icon00435.jpg. This version of the character will appear.

  8. Check the start and end points are at the top left and top right respectively.

  9. If the start and end points of the character area in the wrong place, edit the character until the points are positioned correctly.

  10. Select the Top Left To Bottom Right icon NP_top_bot_icon00437.jpg. This version of the character will appear.

  11. Check the start and end points are at the top left and bottom right respectively.

  12. If the start and end points of the character area in the wrong place, edit the character until the points are positioned correctly.

  13. Select the Bottom Left To Top Right icon NP_bot_top_icon00439.jpg. This version of the character will appear.

  14. Check the start and end points are at the bottom left and top right respectively.

  15. If the start and end points of the character are in the wrong place, edit the character until the points are positioned correctly.

  16. In the Font page select the next character you digitized, and repeat the checking process.


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