mySewnet Stitch Editor Terms and Conventions

On-screen pointers

The mouse pointer is most commonly shown as an arrow ARROW.jpg on the screen.

If it is positioned over a text box it changes to an I-bar


 and you can type, such as the Edit Notes dialog box.

If Zoom To Rectangle


 or Zoom In


 in a dialog box is chosen, the Zoom In pointer


 appears. If Zoom Out


 is chosen in a dialog box, the Zoom Out pointer


 appears. When zoomed in, if the Pan feature is used to move around the screen, the Pan cursor



The Box Select pointer Box_Block_pointer.jpg, Freehand Select pointer Freehand_Block_pointer.jpg or Point Select pointer FH_Point_pointer.jpg appear when the associated Select function is chosen. Add to a selection with the Add to Selection Add_to_Selection_pointer.jpg pointer, and remove items from a selection with the Remove from Selection Remove_from_Selection_pointer.jpg pointer.

There are several pointers indicating functions in the selection box. The Rotate pointer


 appears when the mouse pointer is over the Rotate handle


. The cross-hair pointer


 appears when the mouse is over the center of rotation



The diagonal double-headed arrow


 pointer appears when the mouse pointer is over a square corner handle


. The horizontal double-headed arrow


 pointer appears when the mouse pointer is over the Flip Horizontal handle


. The vertical double-headed arrow


 pointer appears when the mouse pointer is over the Flip Vertical handle


. The pointer becomes a four-headed arrow


 (the move pointer) when it is over a selection box.

The Insert Color Command pointer Insert_Color_pointer.jpg which places a Color Change Color_Change_marker_Large00097.jpg, the Insert Stop Command pointer Insert_Stop_pointer.jpg which places a Stop Command Stop_Command_marker_Large00100.jpg, the Insert Trim Command pointer Insert_Trim_pointer.jpg which places a Trim Command Trim_Command_marker_Large00103.jpg, and Insert Stitches pointer Insert_Stitches_pointer.jpg appear when the associated Modify Stitch function is chosen. When Tie On or Tie Off are used, the tie pointer Tie_on_and_off_pointer.jpg appears.

If the Freehand functions are used, the pointer becomes a pen Pen_pointer.jpg. If the Point functions are chosen, the pointer becomes a circle FH_Point_pointer00108.jpg. When nodes placed by either of the drawing functions are adjusted, the pointer becomes a small cross Move_Node_Pointer.jpg (a move pointer). The Point pointers are also used when drawing a split line for Design Separator Design_Separator_icon00111.jpg.

In the Object tab, the Object Select Object_Select_pointer.jpg pointer is shown. Insert points in an object with the Insert Point Insert_Stitches_pointer00114.jpg pointer, and Delete Points with the delete points pointer Minus_pointer.jpg.

When using stamps, the pointer is the currently selected stamp.

The Measure pointer Get_Length_pointer.jpg appears when the Get Length Get_Length_of_Area_icon.jpg function is selected.

The pointer becomes the pink Fabric handle Fabric_handle.jpg when adjusting appliqué fabric pieces.

Where to Start

Parts of the Software Window

Touch Gestures

Hoop Selection