mySewnet Sketch Terms and Conventions
The mouse pointer is most commonly shown as an arrow
on the screen. If it is positioned over a text box it changes to an I-bar
and you can type, such as the Edit Notes and Settings dialog boxes.
If Zoom To Rectangle
, or Zoom In
in a dialog box, is chosen the Zoom In pointer
appears. If Zoom Out
is chosen in a dialog box, the Zoom Out pointer
The Box Select pointer , Freehand Select pointer or Point Select pointer appears when the associated Select function is chosen. When Erase Stitches is chosen, the eraser pointer appears.
If Pick Color is chosen, the eyedropper pointer appears. This is also used when loading a picture with the Load Design Wizard, to choose the first thread color for drawing stitches.
In the Load Design Wizard on the Crop Picture page, the pointer becomes a double-headed arrow when you move the crop lines or a four-headed arrow when you move the crop area. On the Alignment Stitches page, the pointer is a cross-hair where you can add alignment stitches.
On the Free Motion page of the control panel, the Single Stitch pointer , the Free Motion pointer , the Horizontal Zigzag pointer , the Rotational Zigzag pointer , or the Calligraphy pointer appears when the associated Free Motion function is selected.
On the Standard page of the control panel, the Running Stitch pointer , the Triple Stitch pointer , the Motif Line pointer , the numbered 2mm, 4mm or 6mm Satin Line pointer , or the Custom Satin Line pointer appears when the associated function is selected.
Information Symbols
The following information symbols are used.
Height |
Number of Stitches |
Width |
Number of Colors |
Touch Gestures
Touch gestures are used when viewing and moving embroideries in the mySewnet™ Embroidery Software. They are available when using a touch-sensitive screen.
Select and move
One finger touch and one finger slide are equivalent to click and drag with a mouse. Use to move embroideries, select, draw or create stitches with freehand features, and so on.
When you drag within a document, the autoscroll feature moves the pointer automatically, changing the view of the work area.
This is useful when zoomed in. Use autoscroll while moving or resizing a selected embroidery.
Use a two finger swipe on the work area.
Pinch to zoom
Pinch two fingers to zoom in, and spread two fingers to zoom out.
Context menu
Press and hold and a context-sensitive menu will appear if available (similar to a right-click).
A graphics tablet and pen available from many manufacturers provides an alternative to using the mouse. The tablet and pen will give you a natural, lifelike feel when drawing stitches. The most important ways of using the pen, equivalent to the basic mouse actions, are as follows:
Mouse Action |
Pen Action |
Move the pointer |
Move the pen just above the tablet, without touching the tablet |
Click (left-click) |
Touch the pen to the tablet briefly |
Right-click |
Click the button on the pen, without touching the pen to the tablet |
Click and drag |
'Draw' with the pen on the tablet; using the pen is recommended for this when drawing stitches |
A graphics tablet and pen can be used as an alternative to the mouse at any time. If desired, you can also use the graphics tablet and pen with other mySewnet™ Embroidery Software modules.