Parts of the Software Window


Title Bar

The title bar at the top of the window is highlighted if mySewnet™ Sketch is active.

Menu Bar

There are five menus: File, Edit, Draw, View and Help.

An alternative way to access menu choices is to press the Alt key, then the underlined letter of the menu name, followed by the underlined letter in the menu option, e.g. Alt, F, O to open a file.


There are six toolbars with icons for quick access to frequently used features. The Main toolbar is shown here.


Work Area

The work area is the area where embroideries are drawn and loaded. The work area includes the area surrounding the selected hoop. It is where you make changes to an embroidery. The stitch area is the available area inside the selected hoop. The blue corners show the limits for embroidery inside the hoop.

Stitches are drawn in the chosen colors. The background color can be changed using mySewnet™ Configure.

Last Stitch Marker

The position of the last stitch in the embroidery is shown as a cross Last_Stitch_marker.jpg. If desired, the cross can be hidden using an option in Screen Preferences Preferences_icon.jpg.

Background Grid

The work area has a grid, which may be turned on or off using the Grid icon


. Zooming in or out makes the grid squares look bigger or smaller. The grid size can be changed using the Screen Preferences



Control Panel

To the right of the work area is the control panel, which is split into two pages. Click the tab at the top of the control panel to access the desired page.

The Color Select area is common to both pages. Change and hide colors. Edit and add notes in the Notes and Settings boxes.

Use the Standard page to draw perfectly regulated running, triple, motif and satin lines in freehand (curved) or straight lines. Also adjust their stitch type options before drawing.

Use the Free page to draw free motion, zigzag and calligraphy stitches. Change the stitch speed, zigzag width, and calligraphy angle.

Clipboard Block

The Clipboard Block shows the embroidery that can be pasted into the work area.

Click in the clipboard to remove the current Clipboard Block.

Overview Window

The overview window gives a small overview of the whole work area for the embroidery.

Status Bar

The status bar is found at the bottom of the window. Starting from the left, the status bar shows:

Where to Start

mySewnet Sketch Terms and Conventions

Hoop Selection