
Use Gap to change the spacing between characters in a line of lettering. A negative value brings the letters closer together and a positive value moves them farther apart.

Lowercase characters in Script fonts are not affected by the Gap setting.

Set the Gap from -99 to +99. Type in numbers, or use the arrows to increase or decrease the Gap. Click Apply


 to see the effect on lettering. If you have used the Letter tab previously the last setting is remembered. The Gap may be adjusted for individual blocks of lettering in Letter Properties.

The Gap is initially set to 0 each time mySewnet™ Embroidery is started.

Increasing the Gap setting is recommended for Perspective lettering.

Automatic Kerning

Characters are spaced by automatic kerning according to the way that adjacent pairs of characters fit together. For example, the letters 'AV' need less space between them than 'AB' because of the shape of the characters. The Gap setting then increases or decreases the spacing set by automatic kerning.

Script fonts have a special joining method where all adjacent lowercase characters are directly joined together and are not affected by the Gap setting.

The Gap is based on the width of the A character. A Gap of 1.0 is equal to 6% of the width of the A character.

To set the spacing between specific letters, set the letters to Individual in the Letter window. See Individual Letter Monogram.

Height and Width


Stitch Type

Line Formatting

Appliqué, Effects and Foam Fonts