
Use Delete Delete_icon.jpg to delete one or more selected embroideries, groups or blocks of stitches after they have been selected using one of the block selection methods (Box Select Box_Block_icon_cp00960.jpg, Freehand Select FreeHand_Block_icon_cp00962.jpg, Point Select Freehand_Point_Select_icon00964.jpg or Select All Select_All_icon00966.jpg) on the Modify tab.

When all visible stitches are deleted because no block is selected, all remaining stitches are shown.

This function differs from Cut because it does not place the stitches on the Clipboard. Therefore stitches that have been Deleted cannot be pasted into another embroidery (although Undo can be used if the wrong stitches are deleted).

Delete Single Stitches

When you have a single stitch selected, Delete Delete_icon00968.jpg will remove the stitch.

The Modify page is only available in mySewnet™ Embroidery Extra.


Viewing Embroideries in the Modify Tab

Cut, Copy, Paste and Duplicate

Select and Edit Single Stitches

Select a Block of Stitches

View Selected Colors

Draw Range