Use Combine Selected to merge the selected embroideries into a single embroidery and fix lettering, SuperDesigns and Frames as stitches.
It is usually recommended to use the Combine option in Export
when creating an embroidery file for stitching out. This method allows you to retain the separate embroideries, lettering, and so on of your multipart design as adjustable elements in the .vp4 project file.
After the embroideries are combined, the notes and settings from the embroideries are combined in the Notes box. Any overlapping stitches are removed if the option is selected in Preferences.
Home Tab, Combine Drop-Down:
Keys: Alt, H, M, S
Combine the Selected Embroideries
Click the Home tab.
Use Multiple Select to select the desired embroideries.
From the Combine drop-down, select Combine Selected
. The embroideries are merged, with one outline box surrounding all of them. The color worksheet now shows the color blocks for the new combined embroidery.
The Notes box contains the notes from all the embroideries that have been combined. Click in the Notes box and amend as desired.
Save the new embroidery.