
Density of stitching may be set from 2 to 40, except for Pattern Fills Pattern_Fill_icon_lg_dp00364.jpg, Spiral Fills Spiral_Fill_icon_lg_dp00366.jpg, Satin Column Continuous_Satin_icon00368.jpg and Satin Area Satin_Area_icon_m00370.jpg (2 to 80), and Richelieu Bars Richelieu_Bars_icon00372.jpg and Satin Line Satin_Stitch_icon_lg_dp00374.jpg (2 to 15).







Pattern Fill Area with Multicolor Gradient

Pattern Fill Area with Gradient Density Fill

Pattern Pattern_Fill_icon_lg_dp00380.jpg and Spiral Spiral_Fill_icon_lg_dp00382.jpg Fill areas and Satin Columns Continuous_Satin_icon00384.jpg may also have density gradients, or variable multi-density. The higher the number, the farther apart the stitches and the fewer stitches are produced. Pattern fills and Satin Columns may also have multicolor gradient density.

Embroidery on thicker fabrics usually looks better with more stitch coverage, or a low density setting. Choose a low value such as 2 or 3 for heavy knit fabrics, a higher value such as 5 or 6 for a light material like linen or satin.



Stitch Length

Satin Line Width

Fill and Satin Patterns


Gap and Shape

Start, End and Origin

Feathered Side

Alignment Stitch Type

Object Properties